Resources for further Inquiry: Recommended Books

A History of Modern Palestine: One Land, Two Peoples
Author: Ilan Pappe

Why: We suggest reading this book because it is a history of Palestine from the nineteenth century to 1948 and an in depth look at the more recent wars and conflicts within the region. The author explains the reasons for the failure of Oslo and the two-state solution. He also talks about the battles between Palestinians and Israelis because of the wall of separation. He focuses on the lives of the men, women and children of Palestine, which makes it a valuable Palestinians perspective.

Shared Histories: A Palestinian-Israeli Dialogue

Author: (editors) Paul Scham, Walid Salem, and Benjamin Pogrund

Why: We suggest this book to further the reader’s understanding of our topic because it is a composition of many opinions about the history of Palestine and Israel. It provides an explanation of why it’s so difficult for both groups to come to an agreement. The differing views of the fourteen Arab and Jewish experts commenting in the book furthers the reader’s understanding of the two complicated views and why it’s difficult to look at the history from just one point of view.

Israel and Palestine - Out of the Ashes: The Search for Jewish Identity in the Twenty-first Century  Author: Marc H. Ellis

Marc Ellis, a Jewish American scholar, while watching the events unfold in Palestine and Israel, examines what he believes to be a crisis point in Jewish identity. In this book, Ellis demonstrates Judaism in an ethical format based on the principles of justice and community of the Jewish faith. By addressing the way in which these principles are being demolished by a militarized state of Israel and the complicit America Jewish community, can there be hope for peace. In Israel and Palestine: Out of the Ashes, Ellis explains what it means to be Jewish today and the meaning behind the deep rooted conflict from a Jewish perspective.

How Long O Lord?: Christian, Jewish, and Muslim Voices from the Ground and Visions for the Future in Israel/Palestine  

Author: Marine Tobin

In this collection of essays, the author has brought together a group of Christian, Jewish, and Muslim peacemakers whose religious convictions drive them to establish peace in Israel and Palestine. The book confronts commonly held assumptions examines all perspectives on the issues and while attempting address the conflict. How Long O Lord is logically laid out in three sections. The first section deals with the conflict in the Holy Land and its history. The second part deals with non-violent groups and their means of ending the conflict. The third part covers ideas about how peace may come about and look. This book is provides multiple points of view and is well-laid out.

The Fight For Jerusalem: Radical Islam, the West, and the Future of the Holy City 
Author: Dore Gold

This book argues that the division of Jerusalem is not a possibility if it wishes to be a free city where all religions are practiced under the control of Palestine.  It mentions that the radical Muslims would obliterate all the other faiths instead of tolerate them.  The book discusses multiple reasons why it should stay in the hands of the Israelis, including the destruction of Jewish sacred sites. 

Palestine: A Personal History 
Author: Karl Sabbagh

This book provides a history of the once called Palestine and the formation of Israel.  Karl Sabbagh takes the reader through his life experiences as a Muslim Palestinian and his position of the conflict today.  He discusses his point of view and his desperation that his land is no longer his.  The book recounts historical events and gives the reader a Palestinian perspective.

Protecting Jerusalem’s Holy Sites 
Author: David E. Guinn

In David E. Guinn’s book Protecting Jerusalem’s Holy Sites, Guinn offers insight into how law makers should seek to protect Jerusalem’s holy sites in a period of unrest and chaos in the state. He discusses how many have called for this protection, yet officials seem to ignore it. He details not only the need for peace, but also ways in which we can get there, and explains that promoting such peace is not only the work of the lawmakers, but also the civilians.

Jerusalem's Holy Places: Their Role in the Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process
Authors: Marshall Berger and Thomas Idinopulo

In Marshall Berger and Thomas Idinopulos’s book Jerusalem's Holy Places: Their Role in the Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process, they discuss the issue of how the holy sites in Jerusalem are contributing and could contribute to the healing of the conflict. Most importantly, it discusses the history of the control over these sites through the past 400 years, explaining much of the controversy over the sites and how the roles of other country’s control contributes to the conflict.